Saturday, August 29, 2015

First Week Review

Good afternoon! It has been such an exciting first week of school. Our class is off to a great start and I am excited to begin our curriculum next week. Here is a quick recap of what we have done over the past few days:

--Tiger Stripe Behavior: We reviewed the behavior expectations in all of the different parts of our school (classroom, lunchroom, playground, hallways, bathrooms, etc.). The focus is to Be Safe, Be Responsible, and Be Respectful at all times!

--Building Our Classroom Community: We did several activities to get to know one another and to build relationships within our new classroom. We created a Who's Who in Room 134 with unique facts about ourselves, the students created a Venn Diagram with a partner about each other's similarities and differences, and we shared fun facts about our summer vacations.

--Tech Time: We are beginning to use the wonderful resource of our Chromebooks! This week we learned how to use Google Calendar (which is where we record our homework assignments--I'll share more about this at Open House), we also joined my Google Classroom and learned about the website Padlet. Padlet is a great website for reflecting, brainstorming, and displaying facts.

Those are just a few of the highlights from our first week! I can not thank you enough for your support, and I am excited to begin our Literacy and Math curriculum next week. Please let me know if you have any questions!!

**Friday, September 4 is a 1:00 Early Dismissal
**A note from Mrs. Lee in the art room:
Art Can Get Messy
If your child is concerned about their clothes, please have them bring a smock to school. Some examples are an old large t-shirt, an old button-down shirt, or a School Smart full protection vinyl smock. Students should try to avoid wearing their best clothes and shoes on the day they have art.
Thank you,
Ms. Lee

Have a nice weekend! 

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